October 11, 2024

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Martial Arts Self Defense – Martial Arts Distance and Movement For Self Defense – Maai and Sabaki

Martial Arts Self Defense – Martial Arts Distance and Movement For Self Defense – Maai and Sabaki

In a self-defense encounter, movement by the defender and distance from the attacker are two important elements to consider. The more the victim is able to move out of harms way the less likely they will be injured. The farther away from the assailant one can stay the less likely they are to be struck. In this article we will show how to “not fight their fight”.

Sabaki and maai are martial arts terms for movement and distance respectively. Movement refers to the action taken to avoid the attack. Distance refers to the space between the combatants. Both are used in conjunction for performing martial arts or self-defense counter moves and to maintain proper distance.

The idea of “not fighting their fight” means being less vulnerable to a strike. Not letting the assailant get the upper hand is imperative. Keeping calm and focused during an attack is taught in martial arts and self-defense training. The ability to “read” an opponent and anticipate their next move and stay out of their line of attack will allow the victim to fight their fight.

Jumping or moving out of the way may be all that is needed to avoid being struck. Moving some obstacle or an observer may be necessary. Dropping to the ground may be the best way to avoid the attack. Whatever movement is necessary should put the defender in a position to be less vulnerable. It should also provide maintaining balance and a means of performing a martial arts or self-defense counter move if warranted.