May 18, 2024

Sports Enthusiast

Professional Sports Purveyors

At the Tokyo Olympics in 2021, Adeline Gray (left) celebrates after defeating Aiperi Medet Kyzy in women's freestyle wrestling.

Girls’ and women’s wrestling popularity soars at high school, colleges

When Olympic silver medalist Adeline Gray used to tell people that she wrestled for a living, she said they often had the same response: “Women wrestle?”

She doesn’t hear that much anymore.

Over the past decade, participation figures in girls’ and women’s wrestling have grown at an eye-popping rate as the perceptions and infrastructure around the sport have changed. According to statistics compiled by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS), the number of high school girls who competed in wrestling has quintupled since 2013. It nearly doubled from 2022 to 2023, the most recent year for which data is available.

“I feel like I’m not the weird kid who wrestled anymore,” Gray told USA TODAY Sports.